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From: 75PTJMrKsfxO4 on 2024-09-14 11:54:50 GMT
I watched it. It wasn't as bad as they said. Both candidates were just avoiding questions left and right and pivoting their answers to whatever they wanted to focus on but the presenters were only pushing Trump about answering the question while letting Kamala just say whatever she wanted with almost no pushback. Similarly they only fact-checked Trump while allowing Kamala's lies unchecked. It was definitely biased against Trump but not horribly. Kamala was cringe af as always but I powered through.
From: 75PTJMrKsfxO4 on 2024-09-13 20:28:24 GMT
Should I watch the debate? I heard they licked Kamala's ass most of the time so I'm not sure I want to watch that.
From: ZhRSX7y4APnlC on 2024-09-11 16:39:16 GMT
Hello, I'm new to here.
From: UloPzRid0OQnL on 2024-08-31 22:27:36 GMT
To those who will vote for the retard: what's your number one reason?
From: KYE0JfCjqfa0h on 2024-08-26 19:14:07 GMT
she will definitely top Biden in uselessness and retardation. I don't want to imagine how she will be at 80
From: CKChxIrUj6OCL on 2024-08-26 16:19:35 GMT
First, lol. Kamala Harris for president 2024.