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From: UloPzRid0OQnL on 2024-09-01 16:18:37 GMT
Ukraine war timeline according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

1992: Berlin wall comes down. Gorbachev goes to Tony Blair and George H. W. Bush and offers to remove 450.000 Russian troops from East Germany and allow NATO to unify East and West Germany if they commit to never move NATO further to the East. James Baker, the secretary of state says to him "We will not move NATO one inch to the East."

1997: Zbigniew Brzezinski proposes to expand NATO into 15 nations, right up to the Russian borders. Bill Pierce, the secretary of defense threatens Clinton to resign if they go ahead with the plan, perceiving it as dangerous. Others also push back against this plan, but are ultimately ignored because NATO members have to buy weapons with NATO specs from certain producers and 14 new countries bring in a lot more new purchases. At the same time the USA unilaterally walks away from two nuclear weapons treaties with Russia, regarding intermediate range missiles (Russia wants those treaties) and NATO puts nuclear-capable Aegis missile systems in Romania and Poland which shares a border with Russia.

2010: Ukraine elects fairly (according to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) Viktor Yanukovych who is trying to keep Ukraine neutral between the west and Russia.

2014: Victoria Nuland, then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs (Deputy Director equivalent), was caught on tape in a private conversation choosing the new cabinet that would be put in place in Ukraine after the upcoming coup which she was privy to. The tapes are leaked years later. A month after this conversation, USA overthrows the elected government by funding the Euromaidan rebellion with $5 billion through the United States Agency for International Development (which is a front for the CIA). The new government comes in and begins attacking the people of Donbas and Luhansk and banning the Russian language. Violence erupts and 14.000 ethnic Russians are killed. Putin complains that they are killing their people and tries to get a peace agreement. Zelenskyy gets elected with 70% support running on a peace platform. Germany, France, UK and Russia sign the Minsk accords. Ultra-nationalists in Zelenskyy's government tell him he cannot sign the Minsk accords. Putin is now faced with a USA-run Ukrainian government and is afraid that the US navy will move in and result in Russia losing the Crimean port, their only warm-water port that they had owned for more than three and a half centuries. He decides to move into Crimea and takes it over without firing a shot because the people in Crimea are ethnic Russians. Donbas and Luhansk vote with 90% support to join Russia. Putin rejects them because he wants Ukraine to be a functioning state but pushes to sign the Minsk accords and invades Ukraine with 40.000 troops, not a conquering force, but a force enough to put everyone back on the negotiating table. The west does not help Zelenskyy negotiate so he negotiates with the help of Israel and Turkey. They sign a peace agreement, Putin starts withdrawing his troops based on this agreement. The UK sends Tony Blair who tells Zelenskyy to rip up the peace agreement (as revealed years later by negotiators including even the then Ukrainian lead negotiator who started leaking information).

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. believes that the invasion of Ukraine is an illegal action, but that it's the west and not Russia that wants it.

Tell me where he is wrong.